Streamlining Your Diabetic Weight Loss in Sterling Heights—The Safe Way


Reaching your goal weight while managing diabetes is an uphill battle. When it comes to seeking help with your diabetic weight loss in Sterling Heights, knowing where to turn can feel just as intimidating. 

As if losing weight on its own isn’t difficult enough, doing so while living with diabetes presents new challenges due to your body converting sugar into fat rather than energy. That being said, it’s not impossible (especially with our help)! Here’s a look at how Tri-County Medical Clinic can help you achieve your dream physique without sacrificing your health or current lifestyle. 

How diabetes affects your weight

While being overweight can increase your chances of developing diabetes, it’s not always that simple. Only about 20% of diabetics fall into the “ideal” weight range. Although most patients with Type 2 Diabetes are overweight, many patients also struggle with remaining underweight. 

Beyond controlling your fat supply, diabetes can also cause muscular atrophy, thanks to the lack of glucose. When muscle cells die, you lose muscle mass.  

There are a lot of reasons why diabetic weight loss in Sterling Heights is more difficult than traditional weight loss. It all comes down to your insulin levels, which overcompensate by storing fat in response to glucose. 

What diabetic specialists really do

When you have diabetes, attempting new diets or exercise regimens without professional guidance can be dangerous, doing more harm than good in the long run. Routine diabetic management in Troy helps you streamline weight loss and accounts for your body’s responses to your new weight and lifestyle.

After reviewing your test results, performing exams, and discussing your concerns and goals, we’ll curate your unique treatment plan. Beyond diabetic weight loss in Sterling Heights, we can also perform a diabetic foot exam in Sterling Heights to mitigate neuropathy and keep you on your feet. 

Everyone’s journey looks different, but some of the methods we use for diabetic weight loss include the following:

  • Medication management
  • Diet adjustments
  • Exercise implementation
  • Weight loss injections

Visit Tri-County Medical Clinic to achieve your total health goals! 

What’s stopping you from taking control of your health? Tri-County Medical Clinic’s diabetes and lipids clinic offers individualized care on every level. A single visit with our specialists can cover all your bases—plus, it’s tailored to your lifestyle, budget, and timeline!

Not only can our experts assist your diabetic weight loss in Sterling Heights, but also help you achieve your aesthetic and wellness goals with a wide range of on-site treatment options. Contact us today to learn more about how our diabetic specialists can elevate your lifestyle! Remember to schedule your diabetic consultation to kickstart your care on your terms. 

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